We are often asked to screen films at drive-in movies, whilst we can, and do organise these, you should remember one or two facts before rushing out and trying to organise one...
The screen used is normally larger than the standard one, the conventional sound system is replaced by transmitting the sound of the film directly to your car radio via a transmitter on an FM licence, similar to the local radio stations you access at sporting events, this has an added cost and has to be requested from the licensing authorities at an early stage...
So whilst the idea of the drive-in will appeal to most with no worries about the weather and so on, you have to remember that the concept was developed in the States, back in the fifties, and although still around today, it was based on nice warm evenings with everyone driving in to watch the movie with the top down, everyone sprawling across the seats of the car, and that’s the point, with the top down everyone in the car can see the screen, with the top up, and most of our cars have the top up, permanently! .............the view from the back tends to be somewhat squeezed, remember those annoying pillars in those older style cinemas....
Lots of cars take up lots of space, if they only have two people in them able to see the film, then from an organising point of view, large space, lots of cars but very little footfall, reduced revenue for you, so before embarking on the drive in think about what you are trying to achieve and how you are going to achieve it...